PDF2Data web service will be discontinued on 01 Feb. 2021
Hello guys and dear clients. With great regret we announce the closure of our PDF2Data service.
The decision was not easy for us, but we give you 1 year of our support.
So, during next 1 year the service will work as always.
On 1 Feb. 2021 we will close PDF2Data. If you need to pay some pages, please pay attention to the quantity of purchased pages.
All not used pages will be lost on 1 Feb 2021.
Sincerely, PDF2Data staff.
XML to JSON converter
We have added the possibility to export our XML output result directly to the JSON file format. The is possibility to add also other output formats, like CSV, TXT, etc.
New feature: Document structure
Hello dear customers. We are excited to introduce the new feature: Document structure.
This feature by default will be active on all templates. Now the information is extracted more correctly, you can define the position of your entity inside of document structure simply by "dragging" it by icon. Very simple, but powerful!
"Fuzzy search" options are implemented
The totally new "Fuzzy search" option is ready to help you in processing of scanned documents!
You can apply it to the lables, tables, texboxes and IDs. The fuzzy search can achieve value of strong, standard or custom.
Check yor Fuzzy search settings inside of template.